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Wheres The Sale?

Todays Sales

Thursday, 22 October 2009 by What sales are on?

Welcome to todays hot sales. and fashion offers!


Free Delivery at OKi-NI. Oki-Ni specialise in high end fashion items and limited edition clothing, they have been around for a long time now and have some excellent stuff, they are running a promotion offering free delivery on all items and also have some sale stuff so check out the deals!

schuh home
Best time to buy summer trainers to stock up for next year (at least that what i do anyways) and no better place than Schuh, thay have a cool sale going on for Mens, Womens and Kids shoes and sneakers, check them out!

Haven't shopped there for a long time but what the hey, they got some a deal going on free delivery on all purchases through amazon goods only, remember amazon.co.uk area little like ebay so they have other people selling stuff through them. Me personally I dont like this idea i prefered the good all days when I could just buy stuff through them directly and only deal with with them, but hey thngs change!!

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